KLIPPEL耐久性测试(KET)解决方案提供一个使用简易、成本经济的软硬件方案来执行多通道长期的、功率和加速寿命测试,应用于传统的产品品质管控,如有效性检查或产品验证。 Test signals can be defined flexibly using predefined stimuli as well as arbitrary wave files. Level stepping and cycling are available for any signals. Each DUT is monitored individually. Failures can be automatically detected by checking against user-defined limits. Open and short circuits are detected by general limits; thus, a destroyed device is detected immediately. A “Death Report” reveals details of monitored states at the highest available rate for a limited time just before the failure was detected.
32 DUTs can be measured using one PC. Even a higher channel number up to max. 64 channels, depending on PC performance and Dante® Interfaces, is possible (see references). Each DUT test can be individually started, muted, and terminated. Each DUT can have its own test signal and configuration. The current test status of all DUTs can be visualized in a dashboard. Status information can be easily accessed via any browser device in the network. Dante® technology is used for streaming data via a (wired) network connection.
KET follows our market-leading long-term testing solutionPower Monitor 8 (PM8) with the Power Testing (PWT) module. Note that PM8 and PWT are deprecated. The following feature comparison compares our long-term test solutions and gives a general feature overview.
The simplest test is continuous playback of test stimuli for a defined duration. Monitoring power, temperature, voltage, and current reveals steady state performance for given environmental conditions. Thermal equilibrium may take hours to settle, especially for larger woofers. For mass production, regular statistical investigation of the fault rate may be required. KET eases this process considerably by using multi-channel tests and template-based setups applied to a given number of DUTs. » KET Example Data
Special profiles of excitation level and/or environmental conditions are used to accelerate the life cycle of a transducer. Fast changes in conditions stress the DUT and simulate a typical load scenario of product life in a much shorter time. One typical test (which is also used to determine the long-term maximum sound pressure level according to IEC 60268-21 cl. 18.4) is alternating high level with resting (cooling down). KET provides many options to alternate or step up/down the level for any kind of stimulus. Templates provide predefined setups according to international standards for easy setup and use. » KET Example Data
Destructive Testing
DUTs shall also be tested beyond their limits to assess maximum permissible power and coil temperature. This behavior is clearly outside the specification but reveals the headroom, a DUT provides to extreme conditions. provide predefined setups according to international standards for easy setup and use. » KET Example Data
Thermal Stress Test
External sensors, such as temperature or humidity sensors, can provide sensor data to KET. A software interface (KET-Store) accepts data and meta information to be monitored in KET software. As a result, the robustness and temperature characteristics of the DUT can be monitored. »KET Example Data